⏰ Limited LIFETIME Early Adopter Memberships ⏰
Example Basic User's Profile: WeatherBeast
Basic Membership has the following privileges:
- Free! -- Start Guessing Today!
- Unlimited Guessing! (any number of polls)
- Able to verify polls via voting
- Create Polls (2 per day)
- Create your own polls for the world to see with our user-friendly poll creator
- User Profile Page
- Limited stats/rankings
Pro Membership has the following privileges:
- Unlimited Guessing! (any number of polls)
- Able to verify polls via voting
- Create Polls (up to 20 per day)
- Create your own polls for the world to see with our user-friendly poll creator
- Get ratings on quality of polls created
- User Profile Page
- Ranking & Statistics
- Get a Ranking for your Guessing ability!
- Track your Guessing Statistics
- Earn Badges
- Get recognition for your guessing ability on polls you have voted in
Example Elite User's Profile: GuessBot
Elite Membership has the following privileges:
- Unlimited Guessing (any number of polls)
- Able to verify polls independently! (you have the power)
- Create Polls (unlimited)
- Create your own polls for the world to see with our user-friendly poll creator
- Get ratings on quality of polls created
- User Profile Page
- Ranking & Statistics
- Get a Ranking for your Guessing ability!
- Track your Guessing Statistics
- Earn Badges
- Get recognition for your guessing ability on polls you have voted in
- Create Featured Polls
- Be featured on the home page!
- Certification
- Earn an official certificate based on GuessRanker statistics as a recognized expert in various categories (pending guessing history audit)